Neanderthal = Nephilim? John. Denton. Bible Research & Investigation Cofrom.
- How Good Are Those Young-Earth Arguments? A Close Look at Dr. Hovind's List of Young-Earth Arguments and Other Claims by Dave E.
- Volcanic Carbon Dioxide Timothy Casey B.Sc. A brief survey of the.
Our main Q&A (FAQ) Page. Radiometric Dating Questions and Answers Key articles. How accurate is Carbon-14 (and other radiometric) dating? The relative pronoun which refers to inanimate things and to animals: The house, which we had seen only from a distance, impressed us even more as we approached.
Bible. Time. Prophecy. Chronology Website. Introduction: A speculative research paper examining current evidence available on. Neanderthal man with comparison to references in early manuscripts. Nephilim an ancient race of half- breed humans. The argument. is presented that the scientific facts verify that the Neanderthal. Nephilim. It is here proposed that an examination of the evidence.
Neanderthal man reveal that they. Nephilim. He was considered. Now! Neanderthal is recognized by scientists as a contemporary of. But. amazingly with a LARGER brain than mans! Were they the Nephilim? To address the question we first need to examine the current facts. Neanderthal man. 1.
The archaeological history of. Neanderthal finds : In 1. Neander Valley near Dusseldorf, Germany uncovered a skull and. The skull was unlike anything seen before, having a. Nearby, workers also uncovered an assortment of thick. In succeeding years. German Neander. Valley, but in France, Italy, Iraq and Israel.
Controversy surrounded the interpretation of these fossils. He considered that the.
Darwinism 1. 85. 9). When more finds came to light with what also appeared to be.
The French palaeontologist Marcellin Boule. Neanderthals walked stooped forward which fitted in. Darwin. For the next fifty years this created the. Science thought. it had the conclusive evidence it badly needed showing the. Over one hundred years after first being found Boule.
More. evidence from various caves and digs has shown that Neanderthals. The Neanderthal Brain Size: The greatest enigma found. Neanderthal is their brain size, which is more than 1. The average Neanderthal brain. This brain. size allowed for large cerebral hemispheres.
Yet they left almost no permanent record. Some say he could. New York, but about as. Yet today study books continue to.
Neanderthals as subhuman ape- men. The Physical Features of. Neanderthal: Neanderthals were. Males. averaged about 1m 7.
Neanderthals were considerably stronger and tougher. Their. joints, were larger; their bones thicker. The fossils indicate. Neanderthal fossils lack the predominant chin of humans and a. They had well muscled chests, long bodies. Some fossil specimens (not all), have hip.
The size of the skull. Through examining the attachment points at which muscle binds to. A Neanderthal, because of this greater muscle. They were regular Mr Universes.
Neanderthals possessed advanced. Neanderthals used fire. They probably crafted. Had a relatively. Neanderthals made these different types of. Language: Almost certainly, the.
Neanderthal racepossessed advanced language. Fossil remains. indicate Neanderthal voice boxes containing the vocal cords were.
As they. lived alongside humans it is reasonable to conclude they spoke. Command and appreciation of. Music: In a cave in Slovenia. Yugoslavia, archaeologists consider they have unearthed the. Broken at both ends, the. Apart from being. The ability to create music on a multiple note instrument.
It would. therefore be reasonable to conclude that these same qualities. Neanderthal Culture: There is evidence. Neanderthals possessed a sense of community. Remains of several physically impaired individuals have.
Some recovered skeletons display old, healed. In a cave in Iraq, archaeologists uncovered skeletons. The flowers, being set there by. Neanderthals thought and cared. Analysis of the sediment pollen concentrated in batches, implied.
Were they part of an aromatic. If so an appreciation of the. These flowers. also testify to a warm climate and the abundant floral varieties. Neanderthal Burial tombs: It is possible.
Neanderthals chose certain caves to use as burial . This practice. would be similar to more recent human cultures who in certain. Evidence of Neanderthal skeletons buried in excavated graves in. Neanderthals exercised abstract. Neanderthals show signs. Religion is a characteristic. In order to have religion, one must be.
Without such. abilities, the concepts of life and death or a God could not be. It appears the Neanderthal race possessed some of. Unlike humans however, there is evidence presented by the. Neanderthals. This stands. Cruel Warriors: There is evidence however. Neanderthals were cruel warriors and fighters suffering and. In France archaeologists.
Some. scientists believe that these bones show signs of being. Another Neanderthal site containing. These. burnt and intentionally broken human bones have been interpreted. Neanderthals. eating humans. They could equally be evidence of torture and or. Neanderthals lived along side. Humans: Researchers working in.
Israel have unearthed skeletons of both Neanderthals. These Neanderthal remains have been dated. After they did. arrive on the scene . Although it. appears that Neanderthals and modern humans were contemporary. Neanderthals did not interbreed with humans. Scientists dating the.
Neanderthal race: There is evidence that. Homo Neanderthalensis directly evolved. Homo sapiens now seems wildly improbable.
According to present scientific thinking the fossil record of. Neanderthals abruptly ends about 3. After this time only Homo. Sapiens dominate the scene.
Researchers make the comment that. So some 3. 2,0. 00 years ago Neanderthals. Today Neanderthalis classified as totally human - Homo sapien. What happened to them? Some scientist theorize that. Homo sapien race, . So did a physically and mental inferior race, humans.
Neanderthals?? Logic dictates that if one race extinguished the. Neanderthal race with their superior strength and.
This, of course, is the ultimate question, one that continues to. I shall endeavor to provide. How science determines. Neanderthal dating: The scientists as we have.
Neanderthals to end c. How do they arrive at this date? Surprisingly as it may. Have a look at the facts, when we do we are faced. The scientists have created a theoretic . The most recent. chart, now used in most museums and universities is that drawn.
Van Eysinga in 1. This chart covers some 6. Cretaceous 6. 5 to 1. Jurassic 1. 40 to 1.
The vast time periods that have been allocated in the. When a geologist has difficulty dating a rock stratum he. A case of two. theories being cross referenced in order to establish a so. Using the Carbon dating clock. C1. 4): Technically the carbon. The clock itself works very well.
The problems come with the set up data fed into it. For example if an extremely accurate clock is set to. Or if a clock has its. So how has the important Carbon dating.
Neanderthal man? We shall examine the. C1. 4 dating process as it is presently. Scientists claim they have accurately calculated the age of.
Neanderthal bones by using this Radio Carbon C1. C1. 4 is a. type of carbon formed in the upper atmosphere when cosmic radiation. It forms radioactive carbon dioxide and from. Natural carbon C1.
The ratio of C1. 2 to its. C1. 4 is constant in all living things (today one C1. C1. 2 atoms). Scientists have accepted the assumption that C1. C1. 4 is now decaying as is being formed. Once a. plant or animal dies it stops taking in C1.
C1. 2stays the same. Calibrations. given to the C1. C1. 4. remains = 1.
C1. 4. remains = 7. C1. 4 counts per secondafter 1. C1. 4. remains = 3. C1. 4 counts per secafter 2.
C1. 4. remains = 1. C1. 4 counts per secafter 2. C1. 4. remains = 9. C1. 4 counts per secafter 3. C1. 4. remains = 4.
C1. 4 counts per sec. This dating test relies entirely on. C1. 4 to C1. 2 is or was. If there had been less C1.
Evolutionists believe that there has been no change in the ratio of. C1. 4 to C1. 2 for millions of years. William Libby and his co- workers. C1. 4 in the world could not possibly have varied. Earth simply because.
Earth is of an immense age, some 4,6. Because of this great age it was assumed that the 3. Asain Dating Sites there. During the 1. 96.
Libby. They revealed that the discrepancy of Libby. Richard Longenfelter found. Professor Melvin Cook Professor of Metallurgy at Utah University. Suess and Lingenfelter and reached the. Cook went one step further by taking the latest measured figures on. He calculated them back to the.
In so doing. he is in effect using the radiocarbon technique to date the Earth. His resulting calculations showed that the. Many researchers have shown that the C1. This indicates that the atmosphere because it has not yet. C1. 4 (saturation point is reached when the. Cook. This would have the effect of drastically.
C1. 4 that was present in the atmosphere and. When reading these reduced amounts it would create an. C1. 4 clock setting. Scientists calculate Neanderthal disappeared some 3. C1. 4, when applying the erroneous. C1. 4 saturation has already been achieved.
To arrive. at their date of 3. C1. 4 reading in the Neanderthal. C1. 4. clock count reading of c 6 counts per second. If we now rework this date using the short 1.
C1. 4. build up and the 2% of original ratio ( 6, counts per second ) used. Then a Neanderthal who. C1. 4 from the. atmosphere that had only been building up for 5,6. Then at. death the Neanderthal would only have absorbed 1.
C1. 4. If absorption into the atmosphere started 1. This would give a false calculation for the. It is ridiculous to think that the atmosphere of the Earth is only. Agreed, but the. truth can often more incredible than fiction. There is now new. C1. 4 has possibly only been going on for the.
C1. 4 penetration and absorption into our. Earth. A. self- confident science reacts to new evidence with the ability. But sciences that have become. It denies the. evidence or refuses to even consider it, redoubling its. Consider the evidence.
Can the criteria uncovered about Neanderthals be applied to the. Nephilim race? To do so it would need to explain the following. Neanderthals. 1. Neanderthals had a general culture of their. They practiced burial of the dead and. Possibly possessed skills in apothecary and. Neanderthals lived in warm temperate. They had possible hybrid characteristics.
Corrected dating places them coexisting with. Neanderthals were exterminated suddenly while.
Ancient manuscript information on the. Nephilim race: The ancient manuscripts refer to a time 4,5.