Siberian Husky Names Russian

Siberian Husky Names Russian

Siberian Husky Information, Pictures of Siberian Huskies. A breed that truly bonds with you. The Siberian Husky is a breed with a long pedigree. Ours is a rescue dog, whose owners needed to part with her. Four 2- 3 months she wanted nothing more than to escape and run home, such are the pack bonds. She is the sweetest dog I ever had had and I've had a few. I'm going on 5. 8 years old and she's probably keeping me alive with exercise.

In short, a very special animal. Knows conversational English well, learned high five and low five in less than a minute playing with my wife. She is a strong, mellow, mischievous, happy, sensitive, way too smart animal. I think she's telepathic too..

LOL!~Stan B., owner of a Siberian Husky. A dog that would rather play than fight. There is no breed that is more beautiful or that has more heart and courage. Living with a Husky means you like to walk, hike, or have your . It keeps my dog young, and keeps me young and I'm never alone as they like to talk, especially after dinner! I tell people that if they are as smart as their dog, then that is saying something as Huskies are extremely intelligent besides being escape artists.

That being a working breed, they have to have a job, and they are very strong. While not a guard dog, my dog was attacked by a Rottweiler.

Siberian Husky Names Russian

Luckily I got the owner in time to avoid bloodshed. They do not start fights, but sometimes they finish them, however we all know that a Husky would rather PLAY than fight. They are mischievous to the max. All mine have been blue- eyed babies with that incredible eyeliner, nature is never improved on. In the end it is their amazing courage and heart, their amazing soul, and a wildness I think most of us can recognize as being the real beauty of this magnificant creature.~Judy K., owner of a Siberian Husky. Not mellow dogs. You're really giving people the wrong impression about the Siberian husky. They are definitely not mellow dogs, as their history would suggest, and require a lot of training in order to get them to calm down.

Training a husky is not easy, as they are excitable and very intelligent. Huskies are in fact, often quite territorial, mostly with other dogs. They are the ready- made- family- friendly- pal you've made them out to be. Only with consistent training and socialization from an early age will they match this description.

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Male Dog Names With a German, Nordic, or Russian Influence. A must-read on Siberian Huskies: information, pictures, temperment, personality, training tips, breed comparisons, puppies, community, Siberian Husky adoption and rescue. A list of Russian Names for Girls. Includes original name in Russian, English translation, pronunciation, and meaning. Married Dating In Culver Minnesota more.

If you come home one day to discover your house living room in ruins with your beloved husky chewing on the remains of your couch, getting another dog will not help to solve this problem. If anything, it will make it worse. The husky in question has run- amock because it is bored. It is a high- energy dog that always needs something to do.

If you get another husky, you will then have not one, but TWO bored, high- energy dogs. Overall the husky is a wonderful breed and can be a loving companion, but requires a patient and strong- willed trainer.~Sarah. N., owner of a Siberian Husky. A word on housebreaking a Husky. We love our Husky.

He is loving, and acts like a lap dog at 7. He's smart, almost too smart. The reason I'm posting is because I've read that a lot of Huskies don't ask their owners to go out. Well, our Husky isn't one to really bark either. He'll go between the door, his leash and us and hope we get the message. He was really easy to break, but only because we paid attention. As a puppy we placed puppy pads in his favorite areas to do his thing.

Then we moved them to the door. This way he always goes to the door and we take him out. He was trained in about three weeks. But you have to be really aware in the beginning.

They will wait until they absolutely HAVE to go.~Jody S., owner of a Siberian Husky. A stubborn, yet very loving breed. I love this breed because they are very loyal and loving. They tend to be a bit territorial and stubborn, but they are great for the right family. In my experience, the Siberian Huskies absolutely love kids! They are great with any household, as long as they get enough exercise! Do NOT leave your gate or fence yard open, or they will escape!

They are very energetic and adventurous! Socialize them and train them at a very young age or you will regret it! If you give the love, you will get it back, no doubt. They are best in HOUSES with BIG yards! They love to hunt and be the !

Over all, this breed is absolutely 1. Good luck and happy doggie finding!~Shaylie H., owner of Siberian Huskies. New Sex Adult Dating Site.

Imprinting is the key to success. I think the best thing we did with our Siberian Husky, Malakaj, was the imprinting process. He is one of the few Huskies that does NOT run off when he is not on a lead or fenced in. In fact, I can stand on the front porch and he will stay in the yard, do his business and come back in. If he gets out of the fenced yard he comes round to the front door and knocks to be let in. I can't imagine daily life without our guy. With any dog, imprinting is the key to a connection and success in trust and training.

As puppies they MUST have consistent discipline and exercise. I guarantee that without it you will come home to ransacked house. With our very first husky we didn't realize that loneliness will cause them to act out. Our 1. 2 month old destroyed our sofa because of boredom and loneliness.

We had to start working him out before we went to work and the next thing was to get him a companion. It doesn't necessarily have to be another husky, but I would recommend it simply because you can give them both consistent exercise and discipline. Huskies are probably one of the most stubborn breeds, but it you are firm and emphasize that you are the leader of the pack and that they are at the bottom of the pecking order you will have the most loving, fun dogs you could possibly want.

However you must be someone who can be the boss. Huskies are not for people who are pushovers. This is one of the biggest reasons why people take huskies to the pound. Sibes also are not the dog for people with cats, gerbils, rabbits, or bird watchers. They WILL chase them and chew them. They WILL NOT change.

It is not normal for a husky to lay around. If you have a husky that does nothing but lay around and gets fat get their thyroid checked. Hypothyroidism can be fairly common in huskies, however it can be treated with medication. Huskies are for people who live an active life.

You will never find a more loyal or loving dog. Just remember they need a lot of exercise and you need to be able to emphasize YOU are the boss.~Paula W., owner of lots of Siberian Huskies. They make the craziest sounds you ever heard. You will not find a more loyal, loving, or hilarious dog, but they are not for everyone! Do not enter into this choice lightly. If you are not determined to be the pack leader, if you do not have a yard (large and fenced), and if you do not have the time to give this breed sufficient playtime, then forget about it. They also may not be right for first- time dog owners.

They must be kept on a leash at all times or they will run off – it is their instinct as working, energetic dogs. Good luck catching one loose, even in your yard. They are very smart dogs but can be stubborn; they may know exactly what you are telling them but choose not to listen.

While other dogs may accept you as pack leader indefinitely, Huskies will test you from time to time to try to increase their rank in the household. Be prepared for the craziest assortment of sounds you have ever heard.

While they do not often bark you will hear all kinds of wooing, singing, and, when the moment is right, howling! If you have close neighbours who will get annoyed this may not be the right breed for you. They also have a strong prey drive for smaller animals unless they are raised with them. As a pack animal, they dislike being alone and can become destructive as well as excellent escape artists; if you can handle it, another dog would be beneficial in a Husky home. She is affectionate and loving, but she doesn't like to be smothered. She'll only take so much petting and kissing atop her head before she's had enough. She'll wander in from time to time to check on us, but she likes her independence.

My husband and I often remark how she gives everyone equal time: She'll sit at my his feet for a while, then bring her toys over to me. The best howl is her . She'll take her paw and tap me on the arm or leg. She is roughly 4. She is slightly different than other huskies in that she does not chew very often and has never destroyed so much as a sock.

She also does not jump, doesn't know she can jump, and has never tried it; we have a four- foot fence around our backyard that is plenty high enough for HER (probably not other huskies, though!). But that is about where the dissimilarity ends. She howls at sirens. She is possessive of her toys, food, ME, her bed, etc. She is a punk, also; she is seemingly NEVER tired, and will howl to wake us up at 3 a.

She also has found three different ways to escape our . Gretel is, however, WONDERFUL with kids (we have a 7- year- old) and their friends. Every human she meets is another member of her eternal fan club.

If we go for a family hike (with her on- leash, of course), she will scream if one of us gets too far ahead, or too far behind, until we are all together again. She LOVES her pack/family, and . My current guy, Skywalker, was a rescue - - he had been surrendered to the !

But he was friendly, and in true Siberian fashion, he willingly accepted my friendship. I would rather have a husky over any breed. But they DO require amusements, whether it's exercise, toys, or companions, and the shedding can be challenging to say the least! I've also found both of my guys to be fussy eaters.

My first was a slow and deliberate eater, never really getting enthusiastic about anything except cheese and turkey. My current guy is worse.

I don't think he 'd eaten anything but whatever he could scrounge up for himself before I adopted him. He has yet to develop a liking for ANY dog food brands I've tried, preferring whatever his humans are having.

Siberian Husky Names Russian
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