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Archaeology Wordsmith(View exact match)sedentism. SYNONYMS OR RELATED TERMS: sedentary settlement, sedentary lifestyle.

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CATEGORY: term. DEFINITION: A way of life in which people remain settled in one place throughout the year; permanent settlement at one location. It is settlement based in a single location rather than involving moving camp at regular intervals. CATEGORY: term. DEFINITION: Site or location that is or was habitation. CATEGORY: branch. DEFINITION: The study of the spatial distribution of ancient activities, the remains of single- activity areas or of entire regions. SYNONYMS OR RELATED TERMS: settlement pattern study. CATEGORY: technique; term.

Food Timeline--food FAQs: muffins to yogurt. Mushrooms Food historians tell us prehistoric peoples most likely consumed fungi and mushrooms. Paabtamer – (fl.c700 – c650 BC) Egyptian queen consort A member of the XXVth Dynasty (721 – 656 BC), the identity of her husband remains uncertain. Stop, You're Killing Me! The term Epoque de St Acheul was introduced by Gabriel de Mortillet in 1872 and is still used occasionally, but after 1925 the idea of epochs began to be supplanted.

DEFINITION: The study of ancient human occupation and activity patterns within a specified area - - the distribution of features and sites, buildings, and other constructions in relation to the topography of a given area. Archaeological studies of settlement patterns deal with such matters as urbanization, the relationship between town, village, and countryside, and the operation of administrative centers. Findings reflect the relationship of the inhabitants with their environment, and the relationship of groups with each other within that environment. Factors influencing the pattern of settlement in any area may include the subsistence strategy, the political structure, the social structure, population density, and carrying capacity. SYNONYMS OR RELATED TERMS: settlement. CATEGORY: term. DEFINITION: A location that is or was habitationsettlement system.

CATEGORY: term. DEFINITION: The entire set of settlements used by a community - - for example, all the camps used by a band of hunter- gatherers. Southern Highveld Settlements. CATEGORY: site. DEFINITION: Iron Age farms of the early 2nd millennium AD in Orange Free State and Transvaal, South Africa.

There are extensive grasslands on which stone walls enclosed cattle barns and courtyards around houses. Free Speed Dating on this page. They are classified as types (N, V, Z) and associated with the Moloko Complex. CATEGORY: technique. DEFINITION: The reconnaissance of an archaeological site based on a sampling design which is intended to ensure that all types of areas within the region will be surveyed. Display More Results. Abbasids. CATEGORY: culture.

DEFINITION: The second of two Arab dynasties of the Muslim Empire of the Caliphate (caliphs = rulers) and descended from al- Abbas, uncle of the Prophet Muhammad. It overthrew the Umayyad caliphate in AD 7. Baghdad until 1. 25. Mongols. The end of the Umayyad dynasty meant a shift in power from Syria to Iraq. The Abbasids' settlement in Baghdad marked the beginning of the golden age of Arabic literature. The Abbasids, of great intellectual curiosity, adapted elements of earlier high cultures and incorporated them into their own. Abu Hureyra, Tell.

CATEGORY: site. DEFINITION: A small tell on the Euphrates River, 1. Aleppo in Syria. The site was excavated in 1.

Tabqua/Tabqa Dam. Two major phases of occupation were found: Mesolithic or Epi- Palaeolithic (early 9th millennium BC) to a Pre- Pottery Neolithic B Culture in the 6th millennium. There was a long period of abandonment in the 7th millennium and then a final abandonment c 5. BC. The site depicted a transition from gathering to cultivation, including large quantities of einkorn wheat, and from hunting to herding (sheep and goats, also gazelle and onager).

The Neolithic settlement was of enormous size, larger than any other recorded site of this period - - even . In the uppermost levels, a dark burnished pottery appeared.

CATEGORY: feature. DEFINITION: A place where a specific ancient activity was located or carried out, such as food preparation or stone toolmaking. The place usually corresponded to one or more features and associated artifacts and ecofacts. In American archaeology, the term describes the smallest observable component of a settlement site. See data cluster. Adrar Bous. CATEGORY: site.

DEFINITION: An informative site on the Tenere Desert in Niger where excavations revealed a long succession of prehistoric occupation. The first was a Levalloiso- Mousterian settlement.

By early in the 4th millennium BC, food production techniques are attested. A skeleton of a domestic shorthorn ox dates to 3. BC and remains of small stock that was herded. Cereals, as sorghum, were possibly cultivated. Aeolis. SYNONYMS OR RELATED TERMS: Aeolia. CATEGORY: site. DEFINITION: A group of ancient cities of northwestern Asia Minor (west coast of Anatolia) which were founded at the end of the 2nd millennium BC by Greeks.

The earliest settlements, on the islands of Lesbos and Tenedos and on the mainland between Troas and Ionia, were formed from migrations during 1. BC. At the end of the 6th century, after fighting between Greece and Persia, Darius I incorporated Aeolis into a province of the Persian Empire. Agrigento. SYNONYMS OR RELATED TERMS: formerly Girgenti, Greek Acragas or Akragas, Latin Agrigentum; also Agrigagas. CATEGORY: site. DEFINITION: A wealthy, flourishing Greek and Roman city near the southern coast of Sicily, Italy, originally a colony of Gela and founded by Greeks about 5. BC. The plateau site of the ancient city has extraordinarily rich Greek remains.

There are extensive walls with remnants of eight gates and the remains of seven Doric temples, but there has been illegal construction in which the ruins were quarried, so little is standing where some of the buildings once were. Agrigento was sacked by the Carthaginians in 4.

BC, a disaster from which it never really recovered. It was refounded by Timoleon, a Greek general and statesman, in 3. BC, but Agrigento was on the losing side for most of the Punic Wars. Agrigento returned to some commercial prosperity when textiles, sulfur and potash mining, and agriculture expanded.

It was abandoned once again in the Christian era though areas were used as Roman and Christian cemeteries and catacombs. Sex Dating In Maple Heights Ohio. There is some evidence for even earlier settlement, possibly Neolithic. Ai Bunar. SYNONYMS OR RELATED TERMS: Aibunar.

CATEGORY: site. DEFINITION: A site with three copper mines, located near Stara Zagora in central Bulgaria. The open- cast mining of malachite ore beds dates to the 4th millennium BC (Karanovo VI period) and was later used in the Late Bronze Age. Quantities of this ore have been discovered in settlements in Moldavia and the Ukraine (Cucuteni- Tripolye culture). Aichb. There are foundations of about 2. They were built of timber, usually divided into two rooms, and most contained a hearth and clay oven. A large central building was likely used for communal purposes and there are some storage structures. Small polished stone hatchets, bone implements, Shoe- Last Adzes, and unpainted pedestal pottery bowls are among the artifacts.

Al Mina. CATEGORY: site. DEFINITION: A site on the coast of Syria near the mouth of the Orontes River that was a Greek settlement before the end of the 9th century BC and may have been Poseideion. Material from the 8th- 4th centuries BC has been found, indicating further links between Greece and the Near East. Al Mina was sacked and destroyed by Ptolemy of Egypt in 4. BC. Alamgirpur. CATEGORY: site. DEFINITION: The easternmost site of the Harappan civilization, northeast of Delhi in the Ganges Valley. It was a small late Harappan settlement.

After a gap of unknown duration, there were later occupations which showed Painted Grey Ware and iron use. Alexandria. SYNONYMS OR RELATED TERMS: Raqote. CATEGORY: site. DEFINITION: The Greek city founded by Alexander the Great in 3.

BC, capital of the Ptolemy dynasty, located on a narrow strip of land in the Nile Delta of Egypt. Alexandria was placed on the earlier Egyptian settlement of Raqote of which pre- Ptolemaic seawalls are the only archaeological traces. The great city soon replaced Memphis as the capital of Egypt and is famed for its lighthouse (Pharos, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, built by Sostratos of Knidos between 2. BC; destroyed in 1. AD by an earthquake), the jetty of Heptastadion, the royal palaces; and the Museion, a library and institution of scientific and philological research. It was composed of quarters: Egyptian, Greek, Jewish, and Kings.

The city became the center of trade and culture in the eastern Mediterranean. The Ptolemys ruled over Egypt until 3. BC. All Cannings Cross. CATEGORY: site. DEFINITION: A n Early Iron Age site in Wiltshire, southern England. The settlement contained rectangular houses and evidence of iron smelting. Fine haematite- coated bowls with horizontal furows above the carinations have been found. CATEGORY: geography.

DEFINITION: A deposited landform, usually by valleys or mountain fronts where tributary stream connect to larger valleys or lowlands. An alluvial fan is created by the accumulation of alluvium which spreads, or fans. They are important settlement sites because they are well- drained landscapes and resources are easily accessible. Altin- Depe. SYNONYMS OR RELATED TERMS: Altin- depe. CATEGORY: site. DEFINITION: A large Chalcolithic and Bronze Age site in southern Turkmenistan which is similar to Namazga- Depe.

The urban phase of the early 2nd millennium BC has a large artisans' quarter where there is evidence for specialized pottery production. The residential quarter has rich grave goods, including jewelry of precious and semi- precious stones and metals and imported materials. There is a complex of monumental structures which are similar to the ziggurats of Mesopotamia, with three main periods of construction. The settlement declined early in the 2nd millennium BC and was abandoned mid- millennium.

Amarna, Tell el- SYNONYMS OR RELATED TERMS: Akhetaten; El- Amarna; Tall al- Amarna; el- Amarna. CATEGORY: site. DEFINITION: The site of the ruins and tombs of the city of the 1. Dynasty pharaoh Akhetaton in Upper Egypt, 4. Asyut and 2. 80 km south of Cairo. Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV) built the city in about 1. BC as his capital and the center of his reformed religion and worship of Aten.

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