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- We admire literary heroines for their virtues as much as what we learn from their mistakes. In this way, fiction can teach us about ourselves. The Myers-Briggs Type.
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Each Myers-Briggs Personality Type expresses affection in a slightly different way. While some types are infinitely more overt in their intentions than others, each. INFJ Personality Counselor. The rarest personality type, the INFJ is a highly intuitive, artistic, and complex individual who sees the hidden meanings of the world.
Keirsey Temperament Sorter - Wikipedia. The Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS) is a self- assessed personality questionnaire designed to help people better understand themselves and others. It was first introduced in the book Please Understand Me. It is one of the most widely used personality assessments in the world, and its user base consists of major employers including Bank of America, Allstate, the U. S. Air Force, IBM, 7- Eleven, Safeco, AT& T, and Coca- Cola.
The KTS is closely associated with the Myers- Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI); however, there are significant practical and theoretical differences between the two personality questionnaires and their associated different descriptions. Halifax Speed Dating. Four temperaments. In his works, Keirsey used the names suggested by Plato: Artisan (iconic), Guardian (pistic), Idealist (noetic), and Rational (dianoetic). Keirsey divided the four temperaments into two categories (roles), each with two types (role variants).
The resulting 1. 6 types correlate with the 1. Briggs and Myers. Seeking stimulation and virtuosity, they are concerned with making an impact. Their greatest strength is tactics. They excel at troubleshooting, agility, and the manipulation of tools, instruments, and equipment. Their most developed intelligence operation is expediting. The attentive Crafters and the expressive Promoters are the two role variants.
Entertainers are the informative (reactive) Artisans. Their most developed intelligence operation is improvising. The attentive Composers and the expressive Performers are the two role variants. Guardians are concrete and organized (scheduled). Seeking security and belonging, they are concerned with responsibility and duty. Their greatest strength is logistics.
They excel at organizing, facilitating, checking, and supporting. The two roles are as follows: Administrators are the directive (proactive) Guardians. Their most developed intelligence operation is regulating. The attentive Inspectors and the expressive Supervisors are the two role variants. Conservators are the informative (reactive) Guardians. Their most developed intelligence operation is supporting.
The attentive Protectors and the expressive Providers are the two role variants. Idealists are abstract and compassionate. Seeking meaning and significance, they are concerned with personal growth and finding their own unique identity. Their greatest strength is diplomacy. They excel at clarifying, individualizing, unifying, and inspiring. The two roles are as follows: Mentors are the directive (proactive) Idealists.
Their most developed intelligence operation is developing. The attentive Counselors and the expressive Teachers are the two role variants. Advocates are the informative (reactive) Idealists.
Their most developed intelligence operation is mediating. The attentive Healers and the expressive Champions are the two role variants.
Rationals are abstract and objective. Seeking mastery and self- control, they are concerned with their own knowledge and competence. Their greatest strength is strategy. They excel in any kind of logical investigation such as engineering, conceptualizing, theorizing, and coordinating. The two roles are as follows: Coordinators are the directive (proactive) Rationals. Their most developed intelligence operation is arranging.
The attentive Masterminds and the expressive Fieldmarshals are the two role variants. Engineers are the informative (reactive) Rationals. Their most developed intelligence operation is constructing. The attentive Architects and the expressive Inventors are the two role variants. Understanding the sorter descriptions. When people touch objects, watch a basketball game, taste food, or otherwise perceive the world through their senses, they are observant.
When people reflect and focus on their internal world, they are introspective. However, individuals cannot engage in observation and introspection at the same time. The extent to which people are more observant or introspective directly affects their behavior. People who are generally observant are more 'down to earth.' They are more concrete in their worldview and tend to focus on practical matters such as food, shelter, and their immediate relationships.
However, Carl Jung used the word sensation when describing people who prefer irrational perception of the sensory experience, whether abstract or concrete. People who are generally introspective are more 'head in the clouds.' They are more abstract in their world view and tend to focus on global or theoretical issues such as equality or engineering. Carl Jung used the word intuition when describing people who prefer abstract conception. The second ring: cooperative versus pragmatic (utilitarian)Keirsey uses the words cooperative (complying) and pragmatic (adaptive) when comparing the differing temperaments. People who are cooperative pay more attention to other people's opinions and are more concerned with doing the right thing. People who are pragmatic (utilitarian) pay more attention to their own thoughts or feelings and are more concerned with doing what works. There is no comparable idea of Myers or Jung that corresponds to this dichotomy, so this is a significant difference between Keirsey's work and that of Myers and Jung.
This ring, in combination with the inner ring, determines a person's temperament. The pragmatic temperaments are Rationals (pragmatic and abstract) and Artisans (pragmatic and concrete). The cooperative temperaments are Idealists (cooperative and abstract), and Guardians (cooperative and concrete). Neither Myers nor Jung included the concept of temperament in their work. Jung's psychological functions are hard to relate to Keirsey's concepts.
The third ring: directive (proactive) versus informative (reactive)The third ring distinguishes between people who generally communicate by informing others versus people who generally communicate by directing others. Each of the four temperaments is subdivided by this distinction for a result of eight roles. The directive roles are Operators (directive Artisans), Administrators (directive Guardians), Mentors (directive Idealists), and Coordinators (directive Rationals).
The informative roles are Entertainers (informative Artisans), Conservators (informative Guardians), Advocates (informative Idealists), and Engineers (informative Rationals). The fourth ring: expressive versus attentive. The fourth ring describes how people interact with their environment. Individuals who prefer more overt action . Some associative words for .
Some associative words for . The expressive versus attentive dichotomy is the most contextual.
In other words, overt action and covert reaction is more dictated by the environmental circumstance at the moment. Each of the eight categories can be subdivided by this distinction, for a total of 1. These 1. 6 role variants correlate but do not correspond to the 1. Myers- Briggs types. The expressive role variants are Promoters (expressive Operators), Performers (expressive Entertainers), Supervisors (expressive Administrators), Providers (expressive Conservators), Teachers (expressive Mentors), Champions (expressive Advocates), Fieldmarshals (expressive Coordinators), and Inventors (expressive Engineers). The attentive role variants are Crafters (attentive Operators), Composers (attentive Entertainers), Inspectors (attentive Administrators), Protectors (attentive Conservators), Counselors (attentive Mentors), Healers (attentive Advocates), Masterminds (attentive Coordinators), and Architects (attentive Engineers). Four interaction roles.
Keirsey developed the Temperament Sorter after being introduced to the MBTI in 1. The table below shows how Myers' and Keirsey's types correspond to other temperament theories or constructs, dating from ancient times to the present day. Date. Author. Artisan temperament. Guardian temperament.
Idealist temperament. Rational temperamentc. BCEzekiel's four living creatureslion (bold)ox (sturdy)man (independent)eagle (far- seeing)c. BCHippocrates'four humourscheerful (blood)somber (black bile)enthusiastic (yellow bile)calm (phlegm)c.
BCPlato's four charactersartistic (iconic)sensible (pistic)intuitive (noetic)reasoning (dianoetic)c. BCAristotle's four sources of happinesssensual (hedone)material (propraietari)ethical (ethikos)logical (dialogike)c. ADIrenaeus' four temperamentsspontaneoushistoricalspiritualscholarlyc.
Galen's four temperamentssanguinemelancholiccholericphlegmaticc. Paracelsus' four totem spiritschangeable salamandersindustrious gnomesinspired nymphscurious sylphsc. Adickes' four world viewsinnovativetraditionaldoctrinaireskepticalc. Dreikurs'/Adler's four mistaken goalsretaliationservicerecognitionpowerc. Free Lesbian Dating Site. Kretschmer's four character stylesmanic (hypomanic)depressiveoversensitive (hyperesthetic)insensitive (anesthetic)c. Fromm's four orientationsexploitativehoardingreceptivemarketingc.
Myers' Jungian types. SP (sensing perceiving)SJ (sensing judging)NF (intuitive feeling)NT (intuitive thinking)c. Keirsey/Bates four temperaments (old)Dionysian (artful)Epimethean (dutiful)Apollonian (soulful)Promethean (technological)c. Keirsey's four temperaments.
Artisan. Guardian. Idealist. Rationalc. Gordon- Bull Nexus Model. Please Understand Me II: Temperament, Character, Intelligence (1st ed.). Prometheus Nemesis Book Co. Montgomery, Stephen (2.
People Patterns: A Modern Guide to the Four Temperaments (1st ed.). Keirsey's temperaments correlate with Myers' combinations of preferences: Guardians with sensing plus judging (SJ); Artisans with sensing plus perceiving (SP); Idealists with intuition plus feeling (NF); and Rationals with intuition plus thinking (NT). Myers paired ESTJs with ENTJs, ISFPs with INFPs, INTPs with ISTPs, and ENFJs with ESFJs because they share the same dominant function attitude. ESTJs and ENTJs are both extraverted thinkers, ISFPs and INFPs are both introverted feelers, INTPs and ISTPs are both introverted thinkers, and ENFJs and ESFJs are both extraverted feelers.
Here’s How To Attract Each Myers- Briggs Personality Type. Flickr, Daniel Pham. ENFP: Flirt with them once and then act completely unattainable. ENFPs love a challenge.
INFP: Act like you have a deep, brooding secret that you’re too guarded to reveal. The INFP will not sleep, eat or breathe until they’ve broken down your walls. ESTP: Act sweet, wide- eyed and impressed by everything that they do. Their ego will respond well to your fuel.
ENTP: Challenge their logic and rebut their manipulative tactics. Take initiative again. Repeat until INTP notices your existence. Then take initiative again.
ISTP: Infiltrate their social circle, see them regularly, match their level of nonchalance and then put sex on the table. ISTJ: Be bubbly enough to warm their hearts but scattered enough to imply that you need their help. They’ll jump at the chance to nurture your reckless spirit. INFJ: Be one big, walking paradox.
Look them deep in the eyes and tell them that you . ESFJ: Be popular amongst your mutual peers but make it clear that you often forget to eat lunch or get enough sleep. They’ll lust obsessively after the chance to be the one who takes care of you.
ENTJ: Assure them that a relationship with you is a low- risk investment that will yield a sizeable emotional return. Be strong in your character, but not stronger than them. INTJ: Present them with a completely unprecedented way of thinking about something they were previously decided on. You’ll shake their foundation and win their admiration.