Dating Your Fender Amp. QA=Jan 1. 96. 7 CG=Jul 1. For speakers this. In either case, the code works the same.
- Fender Tube amp codes: 1953-1970 - (look for a 2 letter code stamped on the tube chart inside the back of the amp)- the.
- GA-77RVT Vanguard: 4-6EU7, 12AU7, 7199, 2-6L6 GA-30RVT Invader: 4-6EU7, 12AU7, 2-7591, 5AR4 (most likely corresponding to Epiphone EA-12RVT Futura).
- DATING FENDER TRANSFORMERS, SPEAKERS & POTENTIOMETERS USING EIA CODES EIA (Electronics Industry Association) Source-Date Codes: Electronic components such as.
The first 3 digits on a pot. The remaining 3 or 4 digits are the date code. In 3 digit dates. On 4 digits date codes.
Fender sold these amps with several speakers. Adult Dating Sites In Russia. The first AA763 models in 1964-65 had Jensen C10r. Then there were CTS ceramics and alnicos as well as Oxford. In the 1960s Japanese guitar makers started to mainly copy American guitar designs and Ibanez branded copies of Gibson, Fender and Rickenbacker models started to appear.
In either. case, the remaining 2 digits are the week of manufacture (0. With. this in mind, remember if the last two digits of the source- date code are. Also it's worth mentioning: Sometimes there is a space or hyphen between the manuafacturer code.
On 3 digit date codes, you have to . Usually this isn't too difficult. Examples of Source- Date Codes. With all this information in mind, can you identify the following. Jensen speaker, 1st week of 1. CTS, 4. 1st week of 1. WWII, and 4 digit.
Stackpole pot, 1. CTS, 4. 8th week or 1. Not a source- date code. Can you see why? If you can't, read the. Less Common Source Codes. Code. Manufacturer. Becker. 10. 1Admiral.
DATING FENDER AMPS BY SERIAL NUMBER, PART V by Greg Gagliano. Copyright 2002, 20th Century Guitar Magazine. They said it couldn’t be done Over 6.
Automatic Mfg. 12. Bendix. 13. 0Panasonic.
Talk- a- Phone. 14. Consolidated. 15. Crecent. 16. 9Hitachi. Motorola. 18. 8General Electric. Dearborn Wire. 23.
Littlefuse. 23. 2Magnavox. Mallory (North American Capacitor)2. National. 25. 1Ohmite.
Dukane. 26. 0Philco. Quam- Nichols. 27. RCA2. 77. Emerson.
Raytheon. 28. 5Rola. Ross. 29. 6Solar. Sylvania. 34. 3Zenith. Best. 38. 1Bourns. Foster Transformer.
Cleveland. 44. 9Wilder. Delco. 54. 9Midwest. Heppner. 70. 6Pioneer.
Carbonneau. 74. 2Esquire. Russel. 75. 6Universal. Quincy. 78. 7Sonatone. Mc. Gregor. 79. 4Harmon Kardon.
Atlas. 82. 8Midland. Ampex. 84. 7University. Oaktron. 10. 56. Fisher. Channel. 10. 98. Pyle. Acoustic Fiber Sound. Curtis Mathis. 11. Micro Magnet. DATING FENDER TRANSFORMERS.
SPEAKERS & POTENTIOMETERS USING EIA CODESEIA (Electronics Industry. Association) Source- Date Codes. Electronic components such as transformers, potentiometers, speakers, and.
The code follows the format: XXXYYZZ. XXX = a. two or three digit number (possibly four on newer. If it's a one- digit number you need to determine the correct. ZZ = a number from 1 - . Remember, your amp is newer than the newest component. For example, if you.
Lansing (JBL)Speakers. CTSPotentiometers. Speakers. 22. 0Jensen. Speakers. 23. 5Mallory. Capacitors. 28. 5Rola. Speakers. 30. 4Stackpole.
Potentiometers. 32. Utah. Speakers. 39. Altec- Lansing. Speakers. Cleveland. Speakers. Oxford. Speakers. Schumacher. Transformers. Chokes. 64. 9Electro Voice.
EV)Speakers. 83. 0Triad. Transformers. Chokes.
Pyle. Speakers. For example. Blackface era Fender amp (1. Schumacher (6. 06). Another example: a speaker code of. Tweed era Fender amp (1. Jensen (2. 20). manufactured in 1. VINTAGE FENDER TRANSFORMER USAGE CHARTThe following chart, was originally printed in VG magazine, by Gerald Weber.
It usually drives the tone control . A low noise, low microphony tube is recommended here. If the amp has reverb, there will usually be a 1. AT7 to drive the reverb. This is severe duty and will use up the tube's cathode quickly.
This. tube need not be low- noise or nonmicrophonic. Some early models used 1. AX7s. or 7. 02. 5s for this job, however we still recommend using a 1. AT7 here. Reverb.
AX7 to reamplify the output from the. Because this tube amplifies the signal from a reverb spring (which. Both terms mean the same.
If the amp has tremolo or vibrato, it will have at least one. AX7. This tube need NOT be quiet- -any inexpensive.
AX7 type (with adequate gain to oscillate) will work. AT7s might also. work. The last preamp tube before the power tubes is the .
It makes the . It was usually a 1. AT7. for the same reasons as the reverb driver above. Fender phase inverters in.
If the heater shorts to a cathode in this tube, the amp. Some earlier Fender models used a 1. AX7 or 1. 2AX7 for.
AT7s will. usually work as well). The power tubes in almost all Fender tube amps were either 6. V6s or 6. L6s. Small amps like the. Champ had one power tube and no bias adjustment. Larger amps had two or four. Most push- pull Fender tube. Bias should be adjusted when tubes are.
Matched pairs are recommended to keep the amplifier balanced from. So long as one tube from each pair is on one side of the. If. your amp was intended for 6.
L6s, do NOT try 6. V6s, you might damage the tubes. It is VERY dangerous to blindly plug different tubes into. If you have a later silver- face or blackface Deluxe amp, the. Russian or Chinese 6. V6s. into such an amp is risky. Suggest NOS 6. V6.
GTs or 7. 40. 8s for such amps. Note: Since this article was written Tung- Sol, Electro Harmonix and JJ.
Electronics have released 6. V6 tubes suitable for high plate voltages making. Many earlier Fender tube amps used rectifier tubes. These were almost always. After 1. 96. 8, most Fender tube amps. Custom Shop models. Solid - state rectifiers do not wear out as.
The solid- state diodes used. Fender amps are rather primitive compared to modern devices- -if you. FRED) diodes. By the way, in the past there were all kinds of suffixes on tubes- -6.
L6. 6. L6. G, 6. L6. GA, 6. L6. GB, 6. L6. GC, etc. Some early Fender 6. L6 tube amps can use any. Later Fender blackface and silverface tube amps should NOT.
L6, 6. L6. G, 6. L6. GA or 6. L6. GB installed, due to higher operating voltages.
If you wish to use modern tubes in such amps, stick to a true. L6. GC or KT6. 6. Finally, 5. 88. 1 meant a special high- quality tube in the. True NOS 5. 88. 1s are scarce and costly. You might damage the amplifier and the tubes. See an. experienced technician.
Click a Fender tube amp in this list to jump to its description below.. Champ AA7. 64. Vibro Champ and Bronco AA7. Princeton AA9. 64. Princeton AA1. 16. Princeton 6. G2. Harvard model 6.
G1. 0Deluxe AB7. 63. Deluxe Reverb models AA7. AB7. 63, and AB8. Deluxe 6. G3. Vibrolux models AA7. AB7. 63; Tremolux AA7. AB7. 63; Pro- Amp AA7.
AB7. 63. Vibrolux models 6. G9. A, 6. G9. B, 6. G1. 1, 6. G1. 1A; Tremolux 6. G9. ABandmaster AA7. AB7. 63. Bassman AA8. AA1. 65, AB1. 65.
Bassman 6. G6. Bassman 6. G6. A, 6. G6. BConcert AA7. AB7. 63. Pro- Amp 6.
G5, 6. G5. A; Vibrasonic 5. G1. 3Super 6. G4. Super 6. G4. APro Reverb AA1.
Super Reverb AA7. AB7. 63; and Vibroverb AA7.
AB7. 63. Showman AA7. AB7. 63. Twin 6. G8; Showman 6. G1. 4Twin 6. G8. A; Showman 6.
G1. 4ATwin Reverb AA7. AB7. 63. Vibroverb 6. G1. 6Bandmaster 6. G7, Concert 6. G1. Bandmaster 6. G7. A; Concert 6. G1. A; Vibrasonic 6. G1.
AChamp AA7. 64 - Tube Package. Preamp tube is a 1. AX7. Any 1. 2AX7 type will work here. Recommend a type with. NOS 7. 02. 5s or ECC8. Preferred Series 7. Tung- Sol 1. 2AX7 are suitable.
NOS 5. 75. 1s recommended if lower gain is desired. Power tube (middle socket) is 6. V6. Recommend using glass 6.
V6. GTs. Current JJ. V6. S and Tung- Sol 6. V6. GT are very good. NOS metal 6. V6s run too hot.
DO NOT. use other types. Rectifier tube is 5.
Y3. GT. Avoid using NOS metal 5. Y3s, only glass. You may. V4 types or 5. R4 types (if they fit physically).
DO NOT use 5. AR4. GZ3. 4 or 5. U4. Inexpensive Russian 5. Y3. GTs are readily available and suitable.
Vibro Champ and Bronco AA7. Tube Package. Preamp tube is a 1. AX7. Any 1. 2AX7 type will work here.
Recommend a type with. NOS 7. 02. 5s or ECC8. Preferred Series 7. Tung- Sol 1. 2AX7 are suitable. NOS 5. 75. 1s recommended if lower gain is desired. Second tube- - 1. AX7 specified. This is the vibrato tube.
ANY 1. 2AX7 type is. NOT critical, because this tube is not in the signal. AT7s and 1. 2AU7s are not recommended.
Power tube is 6. V6. Recommend using glass 6. V6. GTs. Current JJ 6. V6. S and. Tung- Sol 6. V6. GT are very good. NOS metal 6. V6s run too hot.
DO NOT use other. Rectifier tube is 5. Y3. GT. Avoid using NOS metal 5. Y3s, only glass. You may.
V4 types or 5. R4 types (if they fit physically). DO NOT use 5. AR4.
GZ3. 4 or 5. U4. Inexpensive Russian 5. Y3. GTs are readily available and suitable.
Princeton AA9. 64 - Tube Packge. First tube is preamp, 7. A low- noise, low- microphony 1.
AX7. or 7. 02. 5 is recommended. Recommend a type with a coiled heater, such as NOS.
ECC8. 3s. Preferred Series 7. Tung- Sol 1. 2AX7 are suitable. NOS. 5. 75. 1s recommended if lower gain is desired. Second tube is a 1. AX7. This is the phase inverter and vibrato tube.
This. tube need not be low- noise or low- hum, nor does it need to be tested for. It must have good quality heater insulation. AX7s or 7. 02. 5s are. Good NOS 1. 2AT7s may also be used here. We understand that some.
Ei or Preferred Series 7. Power tubes are a pair of 6.
V6. Recommend using matched pair of glass 6. V6. GTs. NOS metal 6. V6s run too. hot.
DO NOT use other types. Rectifier tube is 5. AR4/GZ3. 4. This tube should be of good quality. R4 types. may also be used, although the amplifier will sound different.
Do not. attempt to use 5. Y3, 5. V4 or 5. U4 types.
Princeton AA1. 16. Tube Package. First tube is preamp, 7. A low- noise, low- microphony 1. AX7. or 7. 02. 5 is recommended. Recommend a type with a coiled heater, such as NOS. ECC8. 3s. Preferred Series 7.
Tung- Sol 1. 2AX7 are suitable. NOS. 5. 75. 1s recommended if lower gain is desired. Second tube is the reverb driver. AT7 is specified. This. tube does not need to be low in noise, however it should have good quality. AX7 and 5. 75. 1 types not recommended. AX7 specified. Preferred Series 7.
Tung- Sol 1. 2AX7 are. Fourth tube is a 1. AX7. This is the phase inverter and vibrato tube. This. tube need not be low- noise or low- hum, nor does it need to be tested for. It must have good quality heater insulation. AX7s or 7. 02. 5s are.
Good NOS 1. 2AT7s may also be used here. We understand that some. Ei or Preferred Series 7. Power tubes are a pair of 6. V6. Recommend using matched pair of glass 6. V6. GTs. NOS metal 6.
V6s run too. hot. DO NOT use other types. Rectifier tube is 5. U4. Any 5. U4 type is acceptable.
R4 types may be used in. DO NOT use 5. AR4, GZ3.
V4 or 5. Y3. Inexpensive Russian 5. U4. Gs. are readily available and suitable.
Princeton 6. G2. First tube is preamp, 7. A low- noise, low- microphony 1. AX7. or 7. 02. 5 is recommended.
Recommend a type with a coiled heater, such as NOS. ECC8. 3s. Preferred Series 7. Tung- Sol 1. 2AX7 are suitable. NOS. 5. 75. 1s recommended if lower gain is desired. Second tube is a 1. AX7. This is the phase inverter and vibrato tube.