Deaf Dating Sites

Deaf Dating Sites

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  • What is the Deaf Resource Library? The Deaf Resource Library (http:// is a virtual library -- an online collection of reference material and links.
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Don't ignore your ears popping - it may mean you're about to go deaf. Better Dates Dating on this page. By. Mark Anstead. Updated. 0. 1: 2. BST, 1. 4 September 2.

Deaf Dating Sites

Two hearing aids: Alan Knight suffered sudden hearing loss. Alan Knight was driving on a motorway when he heard a 'popping' in his left ear.

Suddenly, all the sound from his left side seemed muffled and faint. When the problem didn't ease the next day, he went to. Alan was told the most likely cause. But three weeks later, at the end of the football season.

Alan was back in England and still experiencing no improvement, so he. GP in Portsmouth. There didn't seem. I could do other than wait, so I just put up with. But, as Alan found out, it wasn't easy. I struggled to catch what people were saying and the. It made me feel very isolated and I gradually became quieter and more withdrawn.' Alan, who separated from his wife in 1.

Jade, 2. 2, and Rebecca, 1. Clanfield, a village near Portsmouth. He says: 'Visiting my daughters was a problem as they live in houses with parquet flooring or bare floorboards, which amplify noises.

If I misheard anything and said something irrelevant, they would fall about laughing  -  which can be funny, but when it happens often the humour wears thin.' Six months later, when his ear had still not improved, Alan went back to his GP and was put on a waiting list to see an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist at the Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth. When he got his appointment a few months later, he was given an MRI scan. By this time, Alan had been suffering for nearly a year, but had always been told there would eventually be some improvement. So when the specialist told him he had suffered permanent hearing damage  -  and that nothing could be done  -  it was a devastating blow. In fact, Alan had suffered Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSHL) in his left ear. SSHL is a condition that should be treated as an emergency within the first two weeks because receiving prompt treatment can help reduce the extent of the damage.

But the causes of the condition, which affects around 6,0. Meningitis, measles and mumps can damage hearing or patients may have a build- up of pressure in the inner ear that ruptures an inner membrane. Head injuries or loud noises can also do permanent damage. However, in the majority of cases, the cause of sudden hearing loss is unknown. Simon Freeman, an ENT consultant at Central Manchester Foundation Trust, has studied the problem for Deafness Research UK and says there are two main theories to explain cases such as Alan's. One thought is that a virus has damaged the cochlea  -  the organ where sound waves are converted into electrical signals for the brain.

The other theory is that an obstruction in a patient's blood vessels may have reduced the supply of oxygen to the inner ear, starving cells in the cochlea. This kind of damage to the inner ear usually makes hair cells in the cochlea swell before they die, and there is growing evidence to suggest prompt application of steroids reduces this swelling, so salvaging some hearing. The symptoms of SSHL are a sudden drop in hearing, which is either instant or noticed over a few days and is sometimes accompanied by a popping sound, ringing in the ear or dizziness. Simulateur Ariane Date Pour Android File. The problem is these symptoms are similar to another condition  -  the build- up of fluid in the middle ear caused by a viral infection, which is common and usually clears within weeks.

Freeman says: 'Misdiagnosis is common. Doctors need to determine the difference between fluid or inflammation in the middle ear, which is not usually serious, and damage to the inner ear, which needs immediate referral. In another third, there may be a partial recovery, but in the final third the hearing loss is permanent.' Angela King, senior audiology specialist at the Royal National Institute For Deaf People, says most hearing loss is gradual, so if you have suffered a sudden loss in one or both ears, it is important to see your GP quickly.

Although symptoms are similar to a middle ear infection, she says, it should be relatively easy for a GP to tell the difference. And you should always see a specialist if you have tinnitus or dizziness.' Such advice is all too late for Alan. After his diagnosis, he received an NHS hearing aid, but an ear infection stopped him wearing it for eight months. Since retiring from football, he has supplemented his income by laying drains and digging footings on building sites, and needs to hear well enough to give and receive instructions. In May, three years after the problem first hit, Alan went to High Street hearing specialist Amplifon, where he was fitted with two digital hearing aids, including a small one in his right ear programmed to amplify only high- frequency sounds.

The cost was around . Earlier this year, he started dating again.

Deaf Dating Sites
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