Dating While Living At Home

Dating While Living At Home

Dating While Living At Home With Parents

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Discover Foreign Women and a Better Freer Life Beyond America! What if you could solve most or all of your problems, and end your loneliness and insecurity, by simply getting out of America to live in a saner, friendlier and healthier foreign country? Welcome to Happier Abroad.

  • Living at Home During College: Is It A Good Idea? Commuter students face a unique set of challenges. Find out if it’s a good idea for you to live with your parents.
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  • Dating as an institution is a relatively recent phenomenon which has mainly emerged in the last few centuries. From the standpoint of anthropology and sociology.

A few questions for you: Are you a single male fed up with the horrible dating scene and lack of social connection in America? Do you find it too hard or impossible to meet or date any decent quality single women in America? Do you prefer sweet feminine genuine women over independent masculine women who don't need you? Do you feel alienated by America? If so, then you've come to the right place! I have Good News for you: The problem is NOT you and there is a Real Solution!

My name is Winston Wu, Founder of Happier Abroad. In 2. 00. 2 I made the greatest discovery of my life, which was that: I could solve all the problems above by simply GETTING OUT of America! It's very simple yet very taboo, because we are taught by western culture to blame ourselves for all problems.

Therefore, I have a great message and life changing secret to share with YOU: If you go abroad to one of the many authentic saner foreign cultures, you will have a better and healthier life in many major areas, such as: A better social life, dating life, mental health, physical health and food, lower cost of living and more freedom! No joke! That's at least 6 major categories of life right there that will be greatly improved by leaving America! This is one of the Biggest Secrets and the greatest self- help secret that America and it's psychologists don't want you to know! Let's elaborate on the 6 major ways your life will be better by getting out of America. Better Social Life Abroad: America has one of the worst social scenes and social cultures. There is no social or human connection with others.

The environment is too socially disconnected, segregated, isolating, paranoid and fake. It's very hard to make any normal friends.

The social vibe feels very negative. Everyone wants to be left alone in their own bubble. People don't like to meet people or connect with others.

Americans act too fake, arrogant, narcissistic and toxic, making it hard to get along with them. Conversations are usually business- related only, especially with strangers. Thus America is probably the loneliest country in the world. In contrast, in most overseas countries, there is more natural social connection. People are more genuine, real and down- to- earth.

So it is far easier to connect with others and make real friends. Foreign social atmospheres are more inclusive, and social life flows more smoothly and naturally. Happiness is shared with others, not kept to oneself. Friendships are more true and meaningful.

In the 7. 0's and early 8. TV shows of that era.)2. Better Dating Life Abroad: America has the worst dating scene for most men.

The women and girls are too spoiled and given too much power, making them highly fake, arrogant, narcissistic, picky, toxic, unfriendly and unapproachable with the worst attitude. Thus they are the hardest females to connect with, and the furthest thing from authenticity that you can get. Also, they are way too difficult and entitled. Their standards are way too high for most men for they seek the top 1. Since they are too independent and don't need men, they either want the best men or nothing at all.

This makes America the worst dating scene for men, totally nightmarish, hostile and lopsided. As a result, there are more single males without dating choices in America than in any other country. In contrast, in most foreign countries, most women are sweet, feminine, down- to- earth, genuine, friendly and approachable, like real women were meant to be.

Thus it is far easier to connect with them and get dates or find girlfriends or wives. Texas Dating Delaware here. Foreign women have a more pro- male attitude compared to the anti- male attitude in the West. Also, flirtation in America is seen as creepy and taboo by women, whereas in many friendlier foreign cultures, flirtation creates energy and excitement and women find it flattering.

Moreover, foreign women cherish their God- given femininity whereas American women abhor femininity and see it as oppressive. Therefore, if you're a single male in North America, the BIGGEST SECRET that's being kept from you is this: There are many overseas cultures where meeting and dating quality single women comes naturally, like breathing! In such cultures, single women who are feminine, sweet, genuine and down- to- earth are the NORM and in ABUNDANCE, not in scarcity like in America! These females (in the millions) see YOU as GOLD! But this is not publicized in any positive light in America, due to its taboo and politically incorrect nature.

So the point is, you don't have to remain lonely and put up with a loveless life! Better Mental Health Abroad: According to the World Health Organization, if you live in America you have almost a 5.

Thus the US is the most mentally ill country in the world. America also has the biggest mental health industry and the highest rate of anti- depressant use in the world as well. A major reason for this is that American culture is very fake and toxic, so in order to fit in you have to become fake and toxic yourself.

Otherwise, if you are genuine and down- to- earth, you will be alienated and out- of- place. But in wearing a fake mask everyday, one denies one's true self, thus resulting in a split psychosis in one's inner psyche. As a consequence, one's mental health deteriorates and fragments. Fakeness abounds in extremes in America and pervades all aspects of its culture and life, so you can't avoid it there.

In contrast, most foreign cultures are more genuine and down- to- earth, which allows you to BE YOURSELF and to be REAL. When you are free to be yourself in an authentic culture, you will have better mental health for sure.

Being FREE to be yourself is the ultimate freedom. If you can't be yourself, then you aren't free, regardless of what political system you live under.

Better Physical Health and Food Abroad: America has the highest rates of obesity, cancer, heart disease and diabetes in the world. Even their counterparts in Britain and Canada are healthier. Everyone knows the US is the fattest nation in the world. Food in the US contains too many unhealthy ingredients and toxins, dangerous GMO's (genetically modified organisms), and fluoridated water. Trying to eat healthy in the US is too complicated and expensive at health food stores. Not only is food addictive, but Americans overeat to fill their emptiness and void as well, since they have no true social connection or shared happiness to fulfill them.

In contrast, food is healthier and more natural/organic in most other countries, so when you eat abroad, you will be healthier and less fat. It's the biggest weight loss secret that the US nutrition industry doesn't want you to know. In Europe for example, mainstream food is healthy so there is no need for health food stores. My friends and I have all lost significant weight while in China, Russia and Europe. People abroad also walk more because there is better public transportation, so they get more exercise. Also, foreign cultures are less toxic and more authentic, which is better for your mental health, as explained earlier, which results in better physical health as well since there is a proven mind- body connection.

Lower Cost of Living Abroad: America has one of the highest costs of living in the world. Thus in the US you have to work more and accrue more debt, and become a wage/debt slave, which makes you less free in the alleged . Prices on almost everything are overly inflated and crazily expensive. Examples: Restaurant meals in the US are at least 1.

China for a large healthy Chinese meal. Haircuts in the US start at 2. China they are 3 dollars with no tip.

Taxis cost around 5. China. Shipping international packages from the US cost around 3. China shipping overseas packages is almost free. Inflation has destroyed the US dollar in the 2. Century alone by deflating 9.

Federal Reserve). The US is also the only developed nation with no universal healthcare and its healthcare costs are astronomical. Medical expenses is the #1 cause of bankruptcy in America. In contrast, most foreign countries have a lower cost of living, so you can live on less, giving you more purchasing power.

There are many ways to live cheaply overseas, depending on your standards and lifestyle. And all other developed countries have universal health care, so people don't have to go bankrupt from medical expenses, even in nations with low income taxes such as Taiwan. More Freedom Abroad: Contrary to what it claims, America is actually one of the LEAST free countries in the world, in many ways: * The US has a controlling government that is becoming increasingly tyrannical, as we all know. But it also has the highest number of laws and regulations in the world. More laws=less freedom of course, so how can American claim to be the ?

In contrast, Mexico has one of the fewest laws in the world, so any Mexican can tell you that Mexico is far freer than uptight America.* America's prison population is now at 2 million, which is more than in any other country. But in America, you can't do that because everything is too privatized. So one has to pay expensive permits to sell stuff in public places, thus inflating prices unnecessarily.* America's culture is fake, phoney and plastic, and doesn't allow you to be yourself, which is the biggest inhibitor of freedom. Obviously, to fit into a fake phoney culture, one has to be fake and phoney, lest one be alienated and out- of- place.

So whenever someone asks . In reality, life is not . So America's expectation of . America basically denies human nature in trying to be so artificial. Therefore, America doesn't allow you the freedom to be honest about how you are feeling at any particular moment. However, in other countries you are allowed to speak honestly about how you feel, whether good or bad.

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